It is true. We consciously think that we understand how our minds operate, and that we can master them. But, ironically (but not unreasonably) our minds are one step ahead of our awareness of how they function.
Here's an example:
You can conjure up romantic notions about how things are, and your mind will play numerous variations and repetitions on the theme, making the notion feel so very much like reality.
Then, when it becomes necessary for emotional survival or psychological progress to dispel these illusions, they persist -- we cannot un-ring the bell or un-conjure the powerfully entrenched thought. Our minds mobilize their own defenses and resist us, refusing to un-create a vision (however fantastic or false) which we had originally called upon them to create.
Perhaps minds are like mythological gods - they create the whole mechanism of imagination for their own amusement, but trick us into thinking that they are tools for our call upon, to help us, when, in fact, the opposite may well be true. We are puppets for our minds' independent entertainment. They don't like when we try to contradict them, and they punish us with a persistence of memory and emotionally-charged thought.
Douglas E Castle [], and
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